We are in Mt.Yoshino now.
This steep stairs leads to the Big Temple,Kinpusenji.
We're having the bean-scattering ceremony ,
and some other events in this temple tonight.
Many people gather here for the ceremony,
including people from a distant place.
Can you see the ogres in the darkness? Can you see their horns?
The young people disguise themselves as devils.
(They're menbers of young men's association in this town.)
We throw beans toward them,to exorcise evil spirits from us.
The bean scattering is our custom early in February.
Every year on Feburary 3,we scatter beans,all over the country.
This day is called "Setsubun" (節分)in Japan.
And we eat sushi (which is rolled in seaweed with various ingredients).
Another performance started in the temple.His performance is acrobatic,using torches.
It's his showtime now!
Next,beating drum performance started.
A young lady play the drums very skillfully.
Her performance is so powerful that our evil spirits are all gone and dissapear!
May this year be happy and healthy for you,too!