Hello everyone.
Today I read an article written by an american auther,
the title is "How To Survive At a Japanese Company".
I'd like to quote some sentences from that article here;
"You will be asked many many times how old you are, if you have a significant other,where you're from - and in extreme examples - if you can use chopsticks.
They'll also compliment your Japanese ability even if you have none.
Any foreigner who has lived here for a time knows the questions and protocol of which I speak.
Refuse outright to answer these questions, or better yet, lie your ass off.
It will add greatly to the mystery surrounding you.and drive them freakin' crazy in a good way.
Japanese love comic book fantasy. Fulfill that for them."
Phew, his remark tingles in my ears...
Maybe such questions are very unpleasant,very rude for foreign newcomers.
Unfortunately,many Japanese people can't understand that such question is very rude for new people.
Many Japanese tend to ask such questions, because they want to reveal his identity and share the privacy with everyone.
Many Japanese people are very qurious,they can't understand that such questions are "invasion of privaciy".
Our offensive inquisitiveness is incorrigible, if you are asked such questions in Japanese company,yes,lie your ass off! That is the best way to refuse outright to answer such rude questions.
Thank you for visiting this blog,
Please have a wonderful day.