Monday, May 2, 2011

The Tale of Genji MuseumーKyoto,Uji

He is "Hikaru-Genji", he's visiting his favorite girl,"Utsusemi".....

These two girls are enjoying "Go"(Japanese boardgame).
        The left girl is "Utsusemi".
        Her husband is away on business trip now,
         so she's having fun with her daughter-in-law....

     Genji's love toward Utsusemi(married woman) grows stronger and stronger...
     He knows this is"forbidden love",but his love burns even brighter.....

      Do you know "The Tale of Genji"....?
       It is a classic work of Japanese literature in the early 11th century,
       Heian period.
       The auther is a woman,Murasaki-Shikibu(紫式部),
       she vividly described the love affair of  Heian Imperial court society.
       It is sometimes called the world's first psychological novel,
       and universally hailed as a masterpiece.

      This is "The Tale of Genji Museum".
       This is visitor-friendly facility,
        and provide us a wealth of information on The Tale of Genji,
        both domestically and internationally.

           This is "Murasaki-Shikibu",
            the author of "The Tale of Genji".
            Murasaki is considered one of the greatest writers
            of Japanese literature.

This is an ancient picture of "The Tale of Genji",
Becoming disital, and it's beautifully restored.

       The ancient noblewoman in Kyoto played with these beautiful shellwork
        with paintings, which depict the nobility's life in Kyoto in the Heian period,
        toward the 9th-12th century.

                    This game is radical guessing.This is also 9th-12th century's game.
                    Players were required to match the right half of a character
                    with the proper radical.

              This is "Byobu",Japanese ancient screen.
               In Heian period,byobu design progressed
               from a standing single-panel screen
               to multiple-panelled folding screens.

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